Welcome to the Resume Masterclass! 🙌

Everyone wants to work from home.Everyone wants to make six figures.Every job posting ALSO has hundreds of applicants because everyone wants to break into the tech industry.The tech industry is a competitive job market. Many people never land an interview (despite having the qualifications for it)...

How are you going to do to stand out from the sea of applicants?What if you had a strategy that could help you land 1-5 additional job interviews a week?

You know you're ready for the Resume Masterclass when...

  • You've submitted dozens, even hundreds of applications, but haven't heard back from any companies

  • You continue to receive rejection letters, even though you have work experience or a college degree

  • You've researched every tech bootcamp and certification, but haven't pulled the trigger on anything yet

  • You want to break into the tech industry, but have no idea where to even begin

You don't want to end up like these folks...😟

Unfortunately, a lot of people don't know how to sell themselves effectively.There's a simple but effective way of marketing yourself effectively...Your resume.Yes, that boring thing...Your resume (when done right) can open up a lot of opportunities for you.Done properly, it can spark curiosity and intrigue.When the Hiring Team receives your resume and sees that it's filled with achievements, positive impacts, and statistics... They will wonder why you didn't apply sooner.This is what I want to teach you and enable you to do through this program...

Meet Your Instructor 👔

Welcome!My name is Pedro Castenada, and I have been in the tech industry for 8+ years. I have sold over $3,000,000 in software technology and worked for a variety of tech companies, ranging from small startups to large, Fortune 1000 tech companies.Today, I make over $200K working from home in the tech industry.

However, my journey didn't start there.I'm a first-generation American who grew up in a small, rural farm town in the middle of California. We didn't grow up with much.And so, when I got the chance to go to college, I made the most out of it.I was the quiet, nerdy kid at the career center on campus, all the time. I went to dozens of workshops and met with every student advisor. I was determined to graduate college with a job and make my family proud.And luckily, I did.And I did it with no connections and no formal background in technology.In June 2023, I started blogging about my journey and sharing my lessons on Reddit and Twitter. My audience grew, and I noticed that other people had the same desire to develop their careers, be positively challenged, and make more money.In this program, I share everything I know and help people just like you break into the tech industry, achieve their highest earning potential, and have a fulfilling career.

You're here for a reason...

Let's be honest. You are on this page for a reason.You likely have some motivation or desire to make a career change.Or, you're a recent college grad who is ready for a great career path.

If any of these bullet points resonate, you're in the right place...

  • Money: Money is important. You should be paid based on your effort and results. According to RepVue.com, the current average earnings are $80,000 annually. The highest-paid people make $128,000 in an entry-level role in tech sales.

  • Unlimited Potential: You want a career with unlimited growth potential. You have an insatiable thirst for learning and becoming the best version of yourself. In the world of tech sales, you will also learn the most transferable skill in the world: SALES. With your newfound knowledge about sales, business, and influence…anything is possible. Whether it’s climbing the corporate ladder or starting your own business, you will have the skill set to succeed.

  • Work-Life Balance: More freedom, flexibility, and time to hang out with the people that matter most (whether that’s your family, kids, or furry cat). In tech, you don’t work on the weekends, and work is done at 5pm. Rest is encouraged (and your boss will literally get angry at you if you don’t take time for yourself). Go on vacation in Mexico, swim with the sharks, drink Mezcal, and get a tan. You deserve time off.

Who is this course for?

This course is not for everyone, and I don't think everyone should take it.That said... if you meet the following criteria, this course is a perfect fit for you:

  • You have completed my free, Breaking into Tech Sales program: I recommend starting with my free course to better understand the tech industry and if this is a career path you truly want to pursue.

  • College Degree (Bachelors or equivalent) OR 4+ Years of Work Experience: Yes. This is a must-have requirement in order to be able to break into the tech industry. If you do NOT have a college degree, then you must have at least four years of work experience (the type of experience doesn't matter, as long as you have it!)

  • Based out of the US, Canada, UK, Australia, or any country with a tech hub: Your country must have a tech industry. If not, this course won't be helpful.

  • Current SDRs and AE's who want to make a transition: This course is not just for people who want to break into the tech industry. The lessons in this course are also for industry veterans who want to put their best foot forward and sell themselves effectively as they progress through their careers.

  • If you just want to know how to create a killer resume that can land you interviews anywhere, period. These lessons are applicable to any high-paying business roles that are competitive. With what you learn in this course, you will stand out anywhere. This applies to Managers, Directors, and other tenured professionals.

  • You are struggling to land any job interviews and are looking for ways to improve your approach. With the resume template and cold-email templates for the Hiring Managers, this problem will be fixed.

What's inside the Resume Masterclass:

Here's what's inside the course and what you're going to get upon login:

  • 2024 Proven Resume Downloadable Template, tailored specifically for the tech industry (see screenshot below)

  • 2024 BONUS: Resume revamp and edit by Pedro himself. I will personally review and audit your resume and provide suggestions to make it better. I know the tech industry well and can tell you exactly what they're looking for.

  • 2024 BONUS "Strengths" Email Template to send to Hiring Teams to help you stand out from the other applicants and land more job interviews

  • Where to find the best tech roles and tech companies to work for (the goal is to help you find a place where you can thrive and make lots of money, not be miserable and end up with a toxic boss)

  • Real-word resume examples from other students who broke in, so that you can see what success looks like

  • What to do if you're from OUTSIDE the tech industry and have zero tech background

  • A simple "hack" to double, and even triple, your response rates

  • What to do about cover letters (and what to send instead)

  • How to find the Hiring Managers and Recruiters, find their email, and send them a strength-driven email that sparks their interest and moves you to the top of the applications list

The resume template gives you instructions on what to add, how to explain your prior work experience, what metrics to use, and much more. With this achievement-driven, metrics-filled resume, your application becomes impossible to ignore.

So freakin' what..? Why spend your hard-earned money on this...? 🤨

I don't know.Maybe you shouldn't...? There are cooler things you could spend your money on. Fancy dinners, tickets to a concert, etc...Are you sure you want to enroll in another boring course?Here are a couple of reasons why people decide to invest:

  • Efficiency: You can spend countless hours doing your research. You don't know where to find the best tech companies. This course teaches you everything you need to know in a step-by-step manner. With the templates and videos, students typically start receiving job offers within 90-120 days of beginning this course.

  • Differentiation: The tech industry is HIGHLY competitive. This means there are a lot of applicants for every job posting (of course, duh. People want to make money). Luckily, there are a few ways to stand out and be more efficient. With the help of this course, you will know exactly what to do so that you can start landing interviews and making progress toward an offer.

  • Confidence: Yes, confidence. A lot of people don't know how to navigate the tech industry and sell themselves effectively. I teach you how in this program. You will know exactly what you need to do to begin landing interviews.

Don't take my word for it. Here are the results students have seen 🎉:

If you are having concerns or hesitations about enrolling in this program, I get it.(Please don't spend your hard-earned money on something stupid, including this if you don't see the value in it)Here are some of the program's results:

THREE Modules and THREE Hours of Content, Templates, Mindset, and More 📓:

Inside the program, you will find three modules and three hours of content showing you step-by-step how to go about the tech industry's process.With this blueprint, you can expect to have new strategies that will differentiate you from the sea of applicants.

Today’s Price + What’s included 💰

What you getEstimated value
2024 "Achievement-Driven" Resume Template: Tailored specifically for the tech industry and proven to land an additional 1-5 interviews per week at the leading tech companies.$199
32 Video and Text Lessons (approximately ~3 hours worth of content) to help you navigate the tech industry, find the best-paying tech companies, and land more interviews$199
FIVE Real-World Resumes Examples from other students who successfully broke into the tech industry. See what success looks like and replicate it.$199
BONUS #1: The “Strengths” Cold Email Template: Send this email to Sales Managers and Recruiters and boost your application visibility. With this cold email template, you will cut the line and stand out from hundreds of other candidates.$199
BONUS #2: Resume Editing and Feedback by Pedro: Provide edits, suggestions, and recommendations so that you can land more interviews. Ensure you are putting your best foot forward to break into the tech industry.$150
BONUS #3: (LIMITED TIME ONLY): Coaching from Pedro himself: That’s right, this is included in the program free of cost. I typically charge $500/month for this add-on. This is a temporary add-on, and it’ll go away over time when more students join.$499

Today’s Price: $1,445 $249

(Note: Subscribers of r/techsales get an additional 25% discount at checkout)

BONUS #1: Land MORE interviews using this "Cold Email" Formula + Template 🤑

Due to the current economic conditions (there are more applicants than job openings), the job market is ultra-competitive.It's not uncommon to see job postings with over 100+ applicants.Therefore, we've added a new strategy to the program that's proven to work. The strategy? Send a cold email to the Hiring Team with your top strengths.In this program, I teach you how to craft a compelling cold email campaign to send to the Hiring Team and differentiate yourself from the rest of the candidates. I also teach you how to find the Hiring Team and their contact information so that you can get in contact (most candidates have NO IDEA how to do this).Without this email strategy, you risk having your application get lost in a stack of resumesAs you can see below, one of my students used this technique to land more interviews.

BONUS #2: Get your Resume Edited and Revamped by Pedro himself ✍️

That's right.As part of this program, I will also review and edit your resume FREE OF CHARGE. Meaning, this bonus (usually a $150 additional value) will be included in your purchase.When you complete the program and go through the resume writing exercises, you can send me your resume for additional edits and feedback.I am here to help you put your best foot forward. No questions asked.(You usually have to go to some guy on Fiverr for this type of service. Not only can they charge a lot, but they also have no idea what the tech industry wants)When you get your resume reviewed by me, you can be confident in the fact that I know what Hiring Managers in the tech industry want. And your resume will reflect that.*(See example of feedback and comments below; you and I will work together to optimize your resume and put your best foot forward)

BONUS #3 (Limited Time ONLY): Get coaching from Pedro himself, every step of the way 🤝

That's right (AGAIN!)As part of this program, you will also have 1:1 access to me via email at all times. Meaning, this bonus (usually a $499 additional value) will be included in your purchase.Here's why: Lots of challenges will come up throughout the application process. Sometimes, they even give you assignments.That's why I've decided to make myself available to your questions every step of the way.This isn't just a course. It's a relationship. I don't leave you hanging dry, and you can always expect mentorship from me.*(Please note, this is a LIMITED TIME BONUS that will go away in Summer 2024 as more students enroll and my bandwidth diminishes. Enroll today if you desire the additional support)

The Resume Masterclass Transformation

Before the Masterclass 😢

Boring resume that doesn't convince the Hiring Team on your amazing qualities

Rejection email after rejection email

Frustration because of no response from tech companies

Confusion, no idea where to start or how to navigate the tech industry

100+ Applications with nothing to show for it

Unmotivated due to lack of responses and on the verge of quitting

AFTER the Masterclass 😃

Achievement-driven resume filled with stats, metrics, and positive impacts

1-5 interviews per week

Hiring Teams excited to hear from you

Step-by-step blueprint that gives you confidence in your actions

Higher conversion rate due to tailored resume and messaging to Hiring Teams

Excitement as you begin to land conversations with top tech companies

Today’s Price + What’s included 💰

What you getEstimated value
2024 "Achievement-Driven" Resume Template: Tailored specifically for the tech industry and proven to land an additional 1-5 interviews per week at the leading tech companies.$199
32 Video and Text Lessons (approximately ~3 hours worth of content) to help you navigate the tech industry, find the best-paying tech companies, and land more interviews$199
FIVE Real-World Resumes Examples from other students who successfully broke into the tech industry. See what success looks like and replicate it.$199
BONUS #1: The “Strengths” Cold Email Template: Send this email to Sales Managers and Recruiters and boost your application visibility. With this cold email template, you will cut the line and stand out from hundreds of other candidates.$199
BONUS #2: Resume Editing and Feedback by Pedro: Provide edits, suggestions, and recommendations so that you can land more interviews. Ensure you are putting your best foot forward to break into the tech industry.$150
BONUS #3: (LIMITED TIME ONLY): Coaching from Pedro himself: That’s right, this is included in the program free of cost. I typically charge $500/month for this add-on. This is a temporary add-on, and it’ll go away over time when more students join.$499

Today’s Price: $1,445 $249

(Note: Subscribers of r/techsales get an additional 25% discount at checkout)

Frequently Asked Questions 🤓

I don’t have tech or coding experience. Will this be a problem?

This is a common misconception. You don't need to need to be technical to break into the tech industry. As long as you have 4+ years of work experience, you have the necessary experience to break into tech.

I don’t have a college degree. Will this be a problem?

You need a college degree OR four years (or more) of work experience to break into tech. If you have a college degree, great. But if no, no worries at (as long as you have the right amount of work experience)

I can find a resume writer on Fiverr. Why not go that route?

You can. However, the resume editors on other websites do not have a background in the tech industry and do not know what tech companies want. This means they cannot give you tailored advice that will suit your goals.

I’ve heard of other tech bootcamps. What’s better and different than yours?

Most tech bootcamps are notoriously expensive ($500+). They are more expensive because they hire coaches, and they must pay their wages to teach you (and other students). Unfortunately, this drives up the cost tremendously. You do not need to pay thousands of dollars to get results.

I can probably find all of this for free on Google. Why not just do that?

You can. And you should (if money is an issue). However, they do not organize or structure the content in a way that produces results. This program is a structured easy-to-follow, step-by-step blueprint. No guessing or wasting time.

I have submitted hundreds of applications and haven’t heard back once. How can your program possibly help me?

Not only will this program provide you with a proven resume template that is specifically tailored for the tech industry. I also give you a cold-email template that you can send to Hiring Managers to stand out from the sea of applicants. You won't find this on Google.

Disclaimer: This program is rigorous, and I have high expectations of every student. I do not recommend it if you are not coachable or do not have the time to invest. I do recommend it if you’re ready to land a six-figure career and want the best for your future.

Refund Policy: Given that this is a knowledge-based product, there is no refund or guarantee. If you’re concerned about whether or not this opportunity is for you, DM me on Twitter, and we can discuss it further. I have a good sense of who will benefit/not benefit from this program. Additionally, if money is tight, please stick to my free content instead. This program is for those who have already benefited from my free content and are serious about their job hunt and career. The testimonials and results linked above speak for themselves.

No guarantees: Students typically land 1-5 more interviews per week as a result of the templates and lessons inside this program. That said, due to current economic conditions, the amount of tech sales roles currently available is limited and this may impact your response rates. Consider this risk in your evaluation.